Tech Blog

  • NGINX configure for internationalization

    June 5, 2024

    Working on a consumer facing app with hundreds of thousands of users comes with it's special challenges - there is MarTech (marketing technology) with Google Tag Management and it's related scripts w...

    Tags: AngularNGINX
  • Angular Emoji Validation RegExp

    May 27, 2024

    One of the crucial tasks in web development is validating user input, ideally on both front and back end. Today I've created a regular expression which allows all alphabet letters (any kind of alphab...

    Tags: AngularRegExp
  • AG Grid Display Formatter

    May 15, 2024

    AG Grid is a very powerful paid component library with numerous personalization options and settings. The fact that it is paid, makes it less likely to find information about it on forums such as...

    Tags: AGGridAngular
  • Opening chrome with disabled web security

    April 19, 2024

    A project I'm working on needs to have chrome opened with disabled web security in order to communicate with the back end so I really want to have this comand line saved: open -n -a /Ap...

    Tags: CLIChrome
  • Angular Generate and Display Build Git Info

    March 6, 2024

    Given the numerous release versions we were working on, my colleagues in the QA department asked for the release git branch name and the release git short hash to be displayed somewhere in the app to...

    Tags: AngularNodeDocker
  • Docker To Reproduce Prod

    February 28, 2024

    I recently came across an interesting situation - having a wizard with some automatically created components, I thought I could use the components names as a indicator when to activate and inactivate...

    Tags: DockerAngular